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Ossie Fisher 

31-May-1930 - 20- Feb-2024

It is with deep sadness that the Family of Ossie Fisher of Kingston, ON announces his passing at Kingston Health Sciences Centre on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 in his 94th year. 

The marriage vow “til death do us part” is less true for seniors today. For advisors, that means managing more clients going through divorces later in life.

In the 1930s, Winston Churchill had left politics and was teaching a class at Cambridge University. He started a lecture with the following question, “What part of the human body expands to 12 times its normal size when subjected to external stimulation?” The class gasped, it was the 30s after all!

A Microsoft Corp. study in 2015 concluded that humans now have an attention span of just eight seconds. Goldfish have an attention span of nine! The report was 54 pages though so I didn’t read it. This small paragraph will take over eight seconds to read so I’ve likely lost half of the humans already.

Thank you for visiting our site and familiarize yourself with what we as independent advisors can do to the make your portfolio grow. For those of you who have more than one financial advisor or are being approached by an advisor whose main focus is on reduced fee ask them what you are being expected to give up for a lesser fee.

Over the holidays, I read a biography about John Wooden, the legendary college basketball coach. From 1963 to 1975, he won 10 national championships; a record unlikely to be broken. As a fan, I marvelled at his coaching success and wondered how he was able to find that “elusive edge.”

I read an article in The Economist a few weeks ago about a concept called the Nash equilibrium, named after John Nash who won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his contribution to game theory. The article highlighted that the Nash equilibrium helped economists better understand how self-improving individuals could lead to self-harming crowds.

If you are an executor, you have a pretty heavy job ahead of you. Working with an Estate and Trust planner, can you navigate and eliminate some of the pitfalls.

From August 1982 to August 1987 the stock market staged a phenomenal 250% increase. Then in one day in October 1987, the market dropped a record 24%. Sanity and reality returned. That’s the stock market.

Volatility gets a bum rap in the financial services industry. For the average investor, it’s synonymous with risk and you’ll often see the two terms used interchangeably. Nor is volatility’s reputation entirely unfounded.